PROMO The Construction Work of the Thanamalwila Community College Building is Completed. The Official Opening Ceremony Will be on March 2024.


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About Us

About Arthacharya

Arthacharya is a Sanskrit term commonly used in Sri Lankan society and well understood by both Sinhala and Tamil speaking communities. Literally it means economic behavior. In a more complete and positive sense Arthacharya means constructive socio-economic activity. Established in 1992, Arthacharya Foundation is an NGO registered initially with the Registrar of Companies and subsequently with the Department of Social Services and the NGO Secretariat of the Government of Sri Lanka. The philosophy, strategy and projects of the Arthacharya Foundation are presented elsewhere in this site.



To bring the poorest of the country into mainstream of development through an empowerment process and provide the opportunity for them to reap benefits from it by increasing their individual and institutional capacity where they eventually become owners of their programmes and institutions.



To develop and refine a replicable model of poverty alleviation in an environmentally sustainable manner through systematic mobilization of the poor to build a micro-finance culture and develop their livelihood assets.


What Arthacharya is capable of

Arthacharya is quite experienced in building active stakeholder partnerships for poverty reduction among stakeholders such as community groups, local civil society organisations, government institutions, research institutions, foreign donor agencies, UN agencies, NGOs, private sector companies and universities etc. Also it is capable of conducting advocacy programmes, lobbying and campaigning on issues of the marginal groups often resulting in contribution to policy development.


Alleviate poverty, hunger and malnutrition among the poor by way of mobilizing their initiatives, institutions, technologies and resources. Bring about active participation of the communities in analysing their problems, designing and implementing their programmes leading to sustainable development.

Facilitate the efforts of the community by liaising among governmental, non-governmental as well as international institutions.

Promote an active dialogue among local communities involved in their own development and establish such dialogues with communities in the other countries of the Third World.

Promote the establishment of legally recognized community organizations to undertake agricultural, industrial, commercial as well as social welfare activities in accordance with Foundations philosophy and to assist such organizations to carry out their development work by providing them with training, management services, technical backstopping and financial assistance.

Assist and actively participate in the development programmes of the Sri Lankan Government where the objectives are similar to those of the Foundation.

Facilitate and strengthen the exchange and use of knowledge, experience and material from other nations that may be of value to poverty alleviation and rural development in Sri Lanka.

Provide opportunities for the poor to acquire a correct understanding of the socio-economic and other problems of the country and organize educational and training programmes for them to learn ways and means of solving these.

Increase the potential of locally available human, environmental, material and other resources for the benefit of the communities

Promote, organize and engage in economic and financial activities and to carry out such activities both within and outside Sri Lanka for the purpose of creating employment and self financing the programmes, projects and the activities of the Foundation.
