PROMO The Construction Work of the Thanamalwila Community College Building is Completed. The Official Opening Ceremony Will be on March 2024.


Sampath Foundation

Sampath Foundation in the Netherlands is the mainstay among our donors at present. Since 2011,
Sampath has supported our activities, mainly in Tanamalwila and Wellawaya. Beginning with suicide
prevention in Tanamalwila, it has supported a multitude of projects: irrigation, preschools, community
colleges focusing primarily on vocational training, education support programmes for bright students
struggling with economic challenges, beekeeping to generate incomes and enhance nutrition, eco-
friendly farming responding to the fertiliser crisis, home gardening to fight malnutrition and family food
insecurity and chronic kidney disease prevention.

Sampath Foundation also supports microfinance and MSE programmes of our sister organisation,
Arthavida. Sampath also supported our food distribution programmes to the poorest families carried out
during COVID-19, economic crisis and natural disaster times in a big way.


Vebego Foundation

Vebego Foundation is a donor institution with a unique policy where they donate required buildings to
their partners. Vebego was instrumental in partly constructing our building complex in Wellawaya while
they met the costs of all our buildings in Nikaweratiya. They also partly supported the new Community
College building in Tanamalwila. Besides supporting building construction, they also support the
vocational training programmes of Nikaweratiya.


Wild Geese Foundation

Together with Sampath, Wild Geese is also a key resource partner of all Arthacharya projects. Their
policy is to party-support projects supported by other Dutch organisations with whom they have an
understanding. As such, there is a Wild Geese component in all projects being supported by the
Sampath and Vebego Foundations.

Wild Geese Foundation also supported vocational training programmes in Tanamalwila, the building of
Wellawaya Community College and food distribution programmes with Sampath before they entered
into the ongoing consortium with Sampath and Vebego.



PUM is a voluntary body in the Netherlands that finances the travel costs of Dutch experts in various
disciplines whose support is sought by projects in the third world. With PUM’s support, Arthacharya has
received technical support from Dutch experts several times.